Logistics Centre located in the area of Schimatari, just a 59 km distance from Athens. The gross leasing area is 46.843m²

Main characteristics/benefits of the property:

  • Connection to the National Railway network
  • Fully automated pallet operation with 600m of conveyors, 8 automated VNA’s, sorting cranes & gravity lines
  • Automated box operation with racking system of 22,000 box locations, 51 automated shuttles, 500m conveying system and 5 Goods-to-Man stations with 150 store locations and pick-to-light operation
  • 1MW photovoltaic plant on the warehouse roof with annual production of 1,450MWh (carbon neutral operation) installed in March 2013
Location 60th km of Athens-Thesaloniki Highway, Schimatari, Viotia
Plot Area 103.269 m²
Total GLA 46.578 m²
Parking Spaces 75 (20 for heavy vehicles)
Occupancy rate 100%
Tenants Trade Logistics


At vero eos et accusam et iusto odio

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digniss iducimus blan ditiis